Hey there 👋!
My name is Tyrell Curry, I am a Web Developer based in
Vancouver, BC.
Creator of the Marketo Browser Support Google Chrome extension.

My Tech Stack:
Frameworks & Libraries:
DevOps & Tools:
My Skills 🚀
I build effective web applications utilizing HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, Typescript, and Various Libraries/Frameworks.
I am experienced in working with ReactJS, NextJS, TailwindCSS, GIT, RESTful APIs, NodeJS, Bootstrap, jQuery, Marketo APIs, Java Spring Boot, Jest, and Accessibility & Cross-Device Responsiveness.
I'm a huge advocate of continuous learning and focusing on core skills over tools. My developer journey has taught me to focus largely on solving problems and less on the tools to get there. I try my best to be neutral in language/framework/libraries and strive to pick the best option for the task at hand. You can catch me most days sharpening my fundamentals, exploring new areas of development, and mentoring others when possible.